Enjoy the beauty and sound of a waterfall at home without the hazard worry and maintenance of a pond. Pondless waterfalls are a beautiful way to add a water feature in locations where there are young children without the fear of them falling in or where there is limited space for a full-sized pond.
Every kit comes with: heavy pump vault chamber for easy pump access and maintenance. Professional series waterfall spillway for an even flow of water. High volume, magnetically or direct driven submersible pump. A 20 year warranty on Firestone fish safe Pondgaurd 45 mil EPDM liner. A 20 year warranty on high strength fiber underlayment. All plumbing needed for a working pond system with quick release from pump assembly and sturdy flexible kink free or flexible PVC tubing. Black expandable waterfall foam. Complete Instructions, Customer service tech support
Where to Buy
Large Energy Saving Kit: | Large Energy Saving Kit with Stream: |
Large HI-Energy Kit: | Large HI-Energy Kit with Stream: |